Revamp your Redux Form with a fresh new 'Field' label style

Is there a way to style the label of a Redux Form field? The Redux Form API does not provide information on how to apply styles to the label. Despite applying the classes.formField class, the label itself remains unstyled.

Could this be an issue with inheritance, where the label is not inheriting styles from its parent?

import { Field } from 'redux-form'
import TextField from 'redux-form-material-ui/lib/TextField'

    label={'style me!!'}

Answer №1

Create a unique custom label component to add to the label property.



Define a custom label component and use it in the code snippet below:

const CustomLabel = () => {
 var labelStyle = {
      color: 'white',
return <label style={labelStyle}> Im the custom label with css </label>

In React, inline styles are not specified as a string. Instead, they are provided as an object where the key is camelCased and the value is often a string.

Answer №2

When using the TextField component, you have the option to pass props directly through the props prop like this:

  props={{ className: classes.formField }}
  label={'style me!!'}

Interestingly, this feature is not mentioned in the Redux-Form: Field documentation. Disappointing :/

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