Retrieving CSS style values with Node.js

I am looking to design a new CSS style that includes the lowest and highest values.

     table[my-type="myStyle"] {
        width: 255.388px !important;

This code snippet is included in numerous CSS files within my style directory.

Answer №1

Utilizing postcss can help you extract the desired values from CSS.

Below is a sample code snippet to retrieve the minimum and maximum widths from various CSS files (using the selector table[my-type="myStyle"]):

const fs = require('fs');
const postcss = require('postcss');

const allWidthValues = [];

const files = [

const selector = 'table[my-type="myStyle"]';

const processor = postcss.plugin('processor', () => (css) => {    
    // Iterate through each rule node.
    css.walkRules((rule) => {        
        // Check for matched selector 
        if (rule.selector.indexOf(selector) !== -1) {
            // Iterate through declarations.
            rule.walkDecls(decl => {
                // Extract width declaration
                if(decl.prop.indexOf('width') !== -1) {
                    const width = decl.value.replace('px', '') * 1;

files.forEach(file => {
    const css = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf-8');
        .process(css, {from : file})
        .then(() => console.log('Successfully processed file : ', file))
        .catch(() => console.log('Error processing file : ', file));    


console.log('All extracted width values : ', allWidthValues);


console.log('Minimum width : ', allWidthValues[0]);
console.log('Maximum width : ', allWidthValues[allWidthValues.length - 1]);

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