How to target the DIV elements that have at least one unordered list (UL) inside using CSS selector or JavaScript

Imagine a hierarchy structured like this:

<div class="first_level">
  <div class="second_level_1">
    <div class="third_level_1">
      <div class="fourth_level_1">
      <div class="fourth_level_2">
        <div class="fifth_level_1">
        <div class="fifth_level_2">
  <div class="second_level_2">

I have the requirement to target only those divs that contain at least one ul element inside. For the given structure, these would be the divs named second_level_2, fourth_level_1, and fifth_level_2 ..

What CSS selector should I use to accomplish this task?


If achieving the desired outcome with CSS alone is not feasible, you can provide solutions utilizing JavaScript. However, I would greatly prefer avoiding JavaScript if possible due to the specific requirements of my code...


Answer №1

Consider the following two alternatives, both with their drawbacks:

You could opt to manually assign a second class to the divs that contain a ul:

<div class="fourth_level_1 div_with_ul_class">

Keep in mind: If you are utilizing a server-side scripting language like PHP, automating this process is possible without manual intervention.

Alternatively, for a more dynamic approach, I suggest using jQuery:

$("div > ul").parent().addClass("div_with_ul_class");

Answer №2

Unfortunately, CSS does not currently have a parent selector available, despite many requests for its addition.

However, jQuery offers a useful selector known as :has; you can learn more about it here:


This would be the jQuery selector to use in this case.

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