Retrieve the parent's current state by accessing it through a callback function in React

My callback function onRestore is only logging the history until the id of the clicked snapshot. Why is it showing incorrect state? I've exhausted all options, so any help would be appreciated.

import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from "react"
import Board from "./Board"
import Snapshot from "./Snapshot"

export default function Game(){
  const [ history, setHistory ] = useState([makeSnapshot(0, EMPTY_BOARD, true, onRestore)])
  const [ offset, setOffset ] = useState(0)

  function makeSnapshot(index, board, currentPlayer, onRestore){
    const snapshot = { index, board, currentPlayer, onRestore }
    return <Snapshot key={index} {...snapshot}/>

  function onRestore(snapshot){
    console.log(snapshot) // #2 snapshot item
    console.log(history) // log only 2 snapshot items (if snapshot item id is #3 so 3 items in history)

  function drawPlayer(index){
    const nextMove = makeSnapshot(history.length, newBoard, currentPlayer, onRestore)
    setHistory(prevHistory => ([...prevHistory, nextMove]))
    setOffset(history.length + 1)

    <div className="Game">
      <h1>History: { => snapshot) } </h1>

export default function Snapshot(snapshot){ 

  const move = !snapshot.index ? `game start` : `move #${snapshot.index}`
  const disableClass = snapshot.isDisabled ? " disabled" : ""

    <div id={snapshot.index} className="snapshot" onClick={() => snapshot.onRestore(snapshot)}> Go to {move} </div>

Live log:

Answer №1

It is recommended to store the data for each snapshot in state and use it to generate the JSX, rather than storing the JSX itself in state.

const [history, setHistory] = useState([{board: EMPTY_BOARD, currentPlayer: true}]);
// ...
return (
    <div className="Game">
            {, i) => <Snapshot key={i} {...s} index={i} onRestore={onRestore} />) }

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