The battle between Typography and HTML formatting elements

When it comes to choosing between the <Typography/> tag and normal HTML tags like <p>, I find myself in a state of ambiguity.

<Box className={someClassName}>


<p className="someClassName">{someVariableName}</p>

Both options serve the same purpose, however MUI Typography is a concept introduced by MUI that I have noticed being used in MUI apps. My question is what specific advantage do I gain from using the <Typography> tag? While styling it, I need to use 2 tags: <Box> and <Typography>.

On the other hand, with HTML, I can save some typing by simply using <p> tags or <h1> tags for text display. So, why should I opt for <Typography>?

Only on the <Box> element can I add CSS classes, but with HTML, I can apply CSS directly either inline or through class names on <p> tags.

Answer №1

First and foremost, it's important to utilize all MUI tags in your code for better organization and readability. While using

may work, it's not considered good practice. Additionally, there is no need to wrap Typography in a Box unless you specifically want to wrap a paragraph in a div. Typography can be used on its own effectively.

<Typography lineHeight={2} fontWeight={600} mt={2} color={"red"}> some text here </Typography>

One of the benefits of using Typography is that you can apply inline CSS directly to it without requiring an external stylesheet. For instance:

I'm confident that Typography offers a wide range of capabilities 😊

Another example involves using

<p> some <span> text </span> here</p>
, where you should use an attribute (component={"span"}) with Typography:

<Typography fontSize={12}>some <Typography component={"span"} fontSize={14} bgcolor={"yellow"}>text</Typography>here</Typography>

The third advantage lies in the automatic application of themes (such as dark or light) from MUI to Typography. On the other hand, when using p, the theme does not automatically apply and must be adjusted manually. While there are more advantages to explore, I hope these three points have provided helpful insights so far 😉

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