Retrieve the text content from the closest parent <a> tag

Currently, I am utilizing Ruby and Nokogiri to extract information from an HTML page:

<div><a href="#" title="firstTitle">text one</a></div>

  <p class="OK">some content</p>
  <p class="OK">some content</p>

<div><a href="#" title="secondTitle">text two</a></div>

  <p class="WARNING">some content</p>
  <p class="WARNING">some content</p>

<div><a href="#" title="thirdTitle">text three</a></div>

  <p class="CRITICAL">some content</p>
  <p class="CRITICAL">some content</p>

If I aim to locate paragraphs with a class of WARNING, the following code snippet achieves that successfully:

doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html)
warning = doc.css('p.WARNING')

My current challenge is targeting the text within the nearest parent a tag. To clarify, in this instance, it should return text two.

I have experimented with methods like and previous_element but have faced obstacles. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

To locate a particular sibling element before the current element, you can utilize the XPath preceding-siblng axis. For instance, if the current element is <p>, you could experiment with something similar to the code snippet below in order to identify the closest preceding div sibling and retrieve the associated a element:

link = warning.at_xpath('./preceding-siblng::div[1]/a')

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