Result of mixing CSS colors

Is there a way to retrieve the result of blending two colors using the color-mix function?

In cases where the color-mix feature is not supported, is it possible to set a fixed value instead?

Answer №1

While there isn't a direct SASS function equivalent to the CSS color-mix function that operates at compile-time, there are other functions available for manipulating colors. If you're looking to support older browsers, you may want to explore other CSS preprocessor tools that can convert modern CSS into a format that older browsers understand. However, I don't have a specific tool to recommend for this purpose.

If you only need to find the color of a few elements, you can use JavaScript in your browser console to retrieve the background color of a given element by running

. The color returned is likely in a format similar to what the color-mix CSS function utilizes.

body {
  background: color-mix(in lch, red, blue);

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