The positioning of Material UI InputAdornment icons is located beyond the boundaries of the TextField input area

I am struggling to understand why my InputAdornment is not positioned correctly.

There doesn't seem to be any style in my code that would affect the location of the icon within the TextField (such as padding or flex properties).

Currently, the calendar icon does not align properly with the text field input line.

This is how I want it to look - but with a calendar icon instead of 'kg' :)

Here are some snippets from my styles object:

const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
    input: {
        '& input, textarea': {
            paddingTop: 8,
            paddingBottom: 12,
            fontSize: 15,
            marginTop: 15,
            '&:focus': {
                borderBottomColor: COLORS.BLACK
            '&::placeholder': {
                fontSize: 15
    dashboardInput: {
        '& .MuiInputLabel-root': {
            color: theme.palette.text.primary,
            fontSize: 16,
        '& input, textarea': {
            borderBottom: `1px solid ${COLORS.BLACK}`,
            fontSize: 16,
            '&::placeholder': {
                color: theme.palette.grey[400],
            '&:disabled': {
                color: COLORS.BLACK
        '& .MuiFormHelperText-root': {
            color: theme.palette.grey[500],
            fontSize: 10
    inputLimiter: {
        textAlign: 'right',
        fontSize: 10

The relevant part of the component is shown below:

        className={classNames(classes.input, getInputStyle(appearance), {
            [classes.error]: error
        <InputLabel shrink htmlFor={name}>
            <div className={classes.divcontrol}><div>{label}</div><div className={classes.redAsterisk}>*</div></div>
            rows={multiline ? rows : 0}
            onChange={e => onChangeWithRightType(e)}
                shrink: true,
                disableUnderline: true,
                endAdornment: (
                    <InputAdornment position="end">
                        <DateRange />
        {maxLength && (
            <Typography variant="body2" className={classes.inputLimiter}>
                {value ? String(value).length : 0}/{maxLength}

Answer №1

In response to your inquiry, I recommend toggling the disableUnderline setting in InputProps to true.

              disableUnderline: true,

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