resembling the nth-child selection for even elements within a list wrapped in <ul> tags

I recently utilized ng-repeat to iterate over a ul element.

Unfortunately, I've run into an issue where I can't simply use nth-child(even) to change the background color of every other ul element.

Does anyone have any alternative solutions or suggestions? I'd greatly appreciate it!

Answer №1

ngRepeat provides the boolean properties $even and $odd, which can be used with ngClass:

    <li ng-repeat="item in items" ng-class="{'some-class':$odd}">

Note: The values of $even and $odd are determined by the current $index, which starts at zero. Therefore, you may need to use $odd instead of $even.

Alternatively, you can utilize the ngClassEven / ngClassOdd directives:

    <li ng-repeat="item in items" ng-class-even="'some-class'">

Check out this brief demo as well.

Answer №2

Give this a try

Check out the Demo


<div ng-app="">
  <div ng-init="predicate='name'; reverse=false;">Sort by: predicat:{{predicate}} reverse:{{reverse}} </div>
  <div ng-click="reverse=!reverse">[change reverse]</div>
  <div ng-click="predicate='name'; reverse=!reverse;">[set predicate: name + change reverse]</div>
  <div ng-click="predicate='id'; reverse=!reverse;">[set predicate: id + change reverse]</div>
  <div ng-init="lines=[{'name':'eee', 'id':7}, {'name':'aaa', 'id':9}, {'name':'ccc', 'id':8}, {'name':'bbb', 'id':2}, {'name':'ddd', 'id':3}]">
      <ul ng-repeat="line in lines | orderBy:predicate:reverse" ng-class-odd="'odd'" ng-class-even="'even'">
          <li >{{ }}</li>


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