Replacing the yellow autofill background

After much effort, I have finally discovered the ultimate method to remove autofill styling across all browsers:

$('input').each(function() {
    var $this = $(this);

However, executing this code in the window load event is not effective; autofill occurs sometime after that. Currently, I am using a 100ms delay as a temporary solution:

// Eliminate autofill styles
    load: function() {
        setTimeout(function() {
            $('.text').each(function() {
                var $this = $(this);
        }, 100);

This approach works reliably even on slower systems, but it lacks elegance. Is there a dependable event or check that can be made to determine if autofill has finished, or a universal method to completely override its styles?

Answer №1

To detect autofilled fields in Chrome or Safari, you can utilize the input:-webkit-autofill CSS selector.

Here is an example of detection code:

setInterval(function() {
    var autofilled = document.querySelectorAll('input:-webkit-autofill');
    // perform actions on the elements...
}, 500);

Answer №2

An issue has been identified at regarding this matter. It appears that in the future, it may be possible to override default styling using an !important selector, which would offer a more elegant solution. The potential code snippet would look like this:

input {
    background-color: #FFF !important;

Currently, the bug remains unresolved and your temporary workaround seems to be the only option for Chrome. However, a) the Chrome solution does not require the use of setTimeout, and b) there are indications that Firefox may recognize the !important flag or a CSS selector with high priority as discussed in Override browser form-filling and input highlighting with HTML/CSS. Does this clarify things for you?

Answer №3

My suggestion is to steer clear of using autofill initially, rather than attempting to outsmart the browser

<form autocomplete="off">

For more details:

If you prefer to maintain autofill functionality but alter the appearance, you could try something like this (using jQuery):

$(document).ready(function() { 
  $("input[type='text']").css('background-color', 'white');

Answer №4

    if ($('input:-webkit-autofill'))

After reviewing the jQuery solution provided, I realized that it does not preserve attached events when cloning elements. The method I have shared is compatible with jQuery 1.5+ and is recommended because it retains all attached events for each object. If you can create a solution to loop through initialized variables and re-initialize them, a fully functional jQuery solution would be achievable. Otherwise, you will need to manually update set variables as necessary.

For example, if you define a variable like this: var foo = $('#foo');

You would then need to reassign it like this: foo=$('#foo');

This is because the original element was replaced with a clone, requiring a reassignment of the variable.

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