Removing a style attribute by adding a new class

Currently, I am in the process of designing a website prototype using Twitter Bootstrap.

One issue that I have encountered is that when I use the hero-unit class, any color attributes specified in the h1 tags are ignored and only displayed in black. This is due to the color: inherit; property set within the class:

.hero-unit h1 {
    color: inherit;

I am wondering if there is a way to override this color attribute with another class?

My idea is to apply a new class called hero-unit-fix which will address the color issue.

I would prefer not to make changes to the bootstrap CSS files so that I can easily update or replace them in the future.

Answer №1

No need to make changes directly in the bootstrap CSS file, simply define a new class with your customization in a separate CSS file

.hero-unit h1.herounit-fix-red{
    color: #f00;

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