Reduced complications with mixin scopes

I have developed a parametric mixin that utilizes a unique "node-value" system to locate the children of an element. The process involves detecting the children through a loop function named ".extractArrays", which contains ".deliverChild" within it. Subsequently, the discovered children (maximum of 4) are fed into ".calculateWidth", which then calculates and stores the width of each child in specific variables (e.g., "calculatedWidth1").

The challenge arises when there are no third and fourth children present - this causes errors as @child3 and @child4 remain undefined. To address this issue, I initialized @child3 and @child4 with zero values prior to invoking the mixins, intending for them to default to 0 before being accessed by the mixins. Strangely, even when a third child is identified, the returned value of @child3 from the mixin fails to override the initial value of 0 set for @child3. This puzzling behavior has led me to question certain aspects of Less, particularly regarding mixins and their scope.

@child3: none, 0 0, 0, 0;
@child4: none, 0 0, 0, 0;

    .extractArrays(@index, @node, @node-value, @elements-array) when (@index <= @length-elements-array) {
        @element-array: extract(@elements-array, @index);
        @found-node: extract(@element-array, 2);
        .deliverChild(@element-array, @found-node) when (@found-node = @child-node-value1) {
            @child1: extract(@element-array, 1);
        .deliverChild(@element-array, @found-node) when (@found-node = @child-node-value2) {
            @child2: extract(@element-array, 1);
        .deliverChild(@element-array, @found-node) when (@found-node = @child-node-value3) {
            @child3: extract(@element-array, 1);
        .deliverChild(@element-array, @found-node) when (@found-node = @child-node-value4) {
            @child4: extract(@element-array, 1);
        .deliverChild(@element-array, @found-node);
        .extractArrays(@index + 1, @node, @node-value, @elements-array);
    .extractArrays(1, @node, @node-value, @elements-array);

    .calculateWidth(@child1, 1);
    .calculateWidth(@child2, 2);
    .calculateWidth(@child3, 3);

    width: @calculatedWidth1 + @calculatedWidth2 + @calculatedWidth3 + @calculatedWidth4;

Answer №1

(Here is a different algorithm that can serve as a starting point for an alternative approach suggested in the above comments):

A generic array filtering mixin could take this form (for Less 1.7.5 or newer):

@array: // key value
    a 1,
    b 2,
    c 3,
    a 4,
    d 5,
    a 6,
    c 7;

// how to use:
usage {
   .filter-array(@array, a); 
    result: @filter-array;

// implementation:
.filter-array(@array, @key, @key-index: 1) {
    .-(@i, @r...) when (@i > 0)
        and not(@key = extract(extract(@array, @i), @key-index)) {
            // skip item if key doesn't match
            .-((@i - 1), @r);
    .-(@i, @r...) when (length(@r) > 0)
        and (@key = extract(extract(@array, @i), @key-index)) {
            // concatenate current item to @r if key matches and @r is not empty
            .-((@i - 1); extract(@array, @i), @r);
    .-(@i, @r...) when (length(@r) = 0)
        and (@key = extract(extract(@array, @i), @key-index)) {
            // first item if key matches and @r is empty
            .-((@i - 1), extract(@array, @i));
    .-(@i, @r...) when (@i = 0) {
        // set it as "return" variable:
        @filter-array: @r;

The resulting filtered array would be:

    a 1,
    a 4,
    a 6;

Although complex, this method is cleaner and more manageable compared to the original approach mentioned.

It might also be helpful to include a specific mixin to calculate the sum (or any other transformation resulting in a single value) of certain array values. This can simplify the implementation by eliminating the need for concatenation and some conditions in the above algorithm.

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