React is failing to display various class attributes from variables

I've been attempting to customize my React component, but I'm experiencing some strange behavior that I can't quite wrap my head around.

<div className={classNames(scss[isOdd ? 'timeline-item-icon-odd' 
: 'timeline-item-icon-even'], [inProgress])}>

When I check the DOM, it shows:

timeline-item-icon-odd___3K5am progress

Where "progress" comes from the variable "inProgress."

  • Initially, I thought this was the correct way to go about it, but it seems to only apply the first class and completely ignore the second one.

  • I even set up a simple HTML and CSS file to test my styles before applying them, and everything worked as expected there.


.timeline-item-icon-odd {
      background-color: gray;
      border-color: gray;

.progress {
      background-color: green !important;
      border-color: green !important;

Ultimately, my goal is to have the background color adjust according to the "inProgress" variable.

If anyone has any insights or ideas, I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you in advance!
Best Regards

Answer №1

To include the class "inProgress" along with your other conditional CSS classes, simply add inProgress to your code like this:

<div className={classNames(scss[isOdd ? 'timeline-item-icon-odd' 
          : 'timeline-item-icon-even',inProgress])}>

By following this method, you should be able to resolve the issue. I have personally tested it and it worked successfully.

Answer №2

The Resolution:

 <div className={classNames(
            scss[isOdd ? 'timeline-item-icon-odd' : 'timeline-item-icon-even'],

The resolution involved placing the scss at the beginning, correcting a syntax error.

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