Is there a way to enable scrolling in the background when a modal is open?

I recently designed a bootstrap modal, but I encountered an issue where when it appears, the vertical scrollbar on the background page becomes disabled and the content shifts to the right by the width of the scrollbar. I want to prevent this content shift and allow the background to remain scrollable while the modal is open. Any suggestions on how to achieve this without causing any disruptions? Thank you for your help in advance.

Answer №1

To update the CSS, follow these steps:

#popupModal .modal-content

If you prefer not to have the scrollbar on the entire modal, target the modal-body instead:

#popupModal .modal-body

Check out the demonstration here:

Answer №2

After experimenting, I have discovered that Bootstrap adds the 'modal-open' class to the body when a modal is opened. This allows us to easily apply custom CSS styles to this specific class. Here is the solution I came up with:

.modal-open {overflow: auto !important;}

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