Implementing color transitions in javascript

Everyone talks about transitioning things in CSS, but have you ever thought about transitioning background colors in JavaScript? I'm currently working on a function that changes the background color of a div with the id of ex1 to green. However, I'm facing an issue where the setInterval function is only running once, which is quite strange.


<style type="text/css">
div#ex1{color:white; background:black; width:300px; padding:0px 10px 10px; margin-bottom:10px;}
div#ex1 h2{border-bottom:double 3px white; text-align:center; padding: 5px 0; margin: auto -10px;}
div#ex1 p{text-indent:5px;}


<div id="ex1">
  <h2>Transition Color</h2>
  <p>Church-key seitan listicle locavore, mixtape biodiesel readymade crucifix health goth flexitarian direct trade mlkshk iPhone. Banjo tote bag readymade +1 skateboard deep v. Mixtape cred readymade gentrify. Banh mi keytar butcher, skateboard knausgaard </p>


document.getElementById('ex1').addEventListener('mouseover', function(e){
 var tar = this;

var counter;

var backG = window.getComputedStyle(tar,null).getPropertyValue('background-color');


 var re,gr,bl;
 gr = 0;
 bl = 0;

function chColor(tar)
{      gr =+31;
  if ( gr <153 && bl <51)
  { console.log('This is running'); = 'rgb(0,'+gr+','+bl+')';
    console.log('The change has ended');   

counter = setInterval(chColor(tar),100);

}, false);

Answer №1

For setInterval to work properly, you need to provide a reference to the function it should call at each interval. In your current setup, you're passing in the result of the function instead. To fix this issue, try the following:

setInterval(function () {
}, 100);

Answer №2

It's important to correct these 2 lines of code by using += instead of =+. Without this correction, the values will never increase.

gr += 31;
bl +=10;

After making those changes, refer to mcgraphix's post for further instructions. You'll need to implement that as well in order to allow the animation to change colors when hovering over text. (I was actually going to mention it myself, but he beat me to it. :)

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