React element featuring various interfaces

Currently, I am working on styling a React component in a way that allows for either horizontal or vertical styling without using flexbox.

My question is, how can I pass styles down to the component in a way that applies individual styles to the child elements of the component?

For example, to achieve


The styles specific to the horizontal layout are:

input, button {

button {
    margin-left: 10px;

while those specific to the vertical layout are:

.form-control {
    display: inline-block;

.btn {
    display: block;
    margin: auto;

Here is an example of the component:

class Form extends React.Component {

  render () {
    return (
      <form className="form-group">
        <input className="form-control" type="text" placeholder="St. George, Utah"/>
        <button className="btn">Get Weather</button>

Answer №1

There are a few strategies you can use to tackle this issue.

One approach involves following Michael Lyons' advice. You can pass a prop to the component that dictates if the layout should be vertical or horizontal.

With this variable in hand, you can apply specific classes to style your component according to your preferences.

Your component could be structured like this:

class Form extends React.Component {

  render () {
    let buttonClassName = "btn" + (this.props.isVertical)? " vertical-button" : "horizontal-button";
    let inputClassName = "form-control" + (this.props.isVertical)? " vertical-input": "hotizontal-input";
    return (
      <form className="form-group" >
        <input className={inputClassName} type="text" placeholder="St. George, Utah"/>
        <button className={buttonClassName} >Get Weather</button>

The CSS styling for the form could resemble the following examples:

/* Styles for the vertical form */

.vertical-input {
    display: inline-block;

.vertical-button {
    display:  block;
    margin: auto;

/* Styles for the horizontal form */

.horizontal-input, .horizontal-button {

.horizontal-button {
    margin-left: 10px;

Another option is to pass a style object directly to the HTML tags using the style attribute, based on the flag you receive. For instance, if you receive this.props.isVertical, you can create a JS object like this:

let inputStyle = { display: "inline-block" };

You then pass it to the tag as follows:

<input className="form-control" type="text" style={inputStyle} placeholder="St. George, Utah" />

Note: When passing objects to HTML tags, the keys should be camelCased instead of separated by dashes. For example, margin-left becomes marginLeft.

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