Ensure that all Woocommerce products have consistent height while allowing for variations in width

I am struggling with achieving consistent height for all the products on my website, while allowing for variable widths.

I attempted to resolve this using UI, but unfortunately it was unsuccessful.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to accomplish this using CSS?

Thank you

Answer №1

As mnemosdev mentioned, it's just a tad more intricate ;)

To customize the appearance of the li elements, use the following CSS:

.fusion-carousel .fusion-carousel-item {
    height: 200px; /* adjust as desired */
    width: auto !important;  /* important to override inline style */

However, this may cause the images to become excessively large. To resolve this, target the images specifically:

.fusion-carousel .fusion-carousel-item img {
    height: 200px; /* modify according to your preference */
    width: auto;

Focusing on styling the images is sufficient, there is no need to alter the li items initially.

Answer №2

Ensure your CSS includes the following:

.myCSSClass {
width: auto;
height: 100px; /* Adjust the height as needed */

UPDATE (Unable to comment on post, so leaving a comment here):

For wide images that may lose their ratio, consider using a code snippet like bootstrap to ensure the images remain responsive. If the image is set as a background in CSS, utilize background-size set to cover. (http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_background-size.asp)

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