Rapid HTML coding dilemma

Currently, I am in the process of quickly marking up my webpage.

One issue I am facing is that I would like my title to be displayed below my <nav> tag instead of beside it. Can anyone provide guidance on how to achieve this?

Here is the current HTML code snippet:


<section id='title'>
    <div>title 1</div>
    <div>texts here....</div>

Additionally, here is the CSS styling being used:

nav {   
    background-color: black;
    text-align: center;
nav ui li{
    list-style: none;
    font:bold .6em arial;
    float: left;
    margin: .3em;
    padding: 1.3em;
    background-color: #A8A8A8;

Currently, the title and texts here... are positioned alongside my menu items. How can I modify my code to have them appear below the menu instead?

Answer №1

Before anything else, make sure to update your ui tag to ul.

When creating an unordered list in HTML, the format should be like this:


Just included in the css,

    clear : left;

OR if you have multiple sections,

    clear : left;

Avoid using clear:both if there is a floating object on the right side of the title. Also, changing the width to 100% may not be beneficial for your layout.


Answer №2

When seeking help with coding questions, it's recommended to share your code on a platform like http://www.jsfiddle.net.

There are various solutions available.

One option is to apply the clear: both attribute to either the nav or #title section:

#title {
    clear: both;

If there are other floating elements adjacent to the #title section, consider using the following code instead, as suggested by others on this thread:

#title {
    clear: left;

Answer №3

An effective method is to include the following CSS properties:


within the navigation's styling.

The section element does not need to fall below the navigation since by default, the navigation's width will be smaller (not occupying the full width of the containing div). This allows the section element to effortlessly align next to the content of the navigation element.

Answer №4

Ensure there is clear separation between both elements.


 <section id='title'>
      <div>title 1</div>
       <div>texts here....</div>

Add the following to the CSS: #title {clear:both;}

Link to example on jsfiddle

Answer №5

Optimus Prime emphasized the importance of using ul instead of ui in your CSS. Both <nav> and <section> are block-level elements, causing them to naturally expand to 100% width and pushing the next element to a new line.

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