Listening for position changes using jQuery events

It is essential to be able to track the relative position of elements, especially when dealing with dynamic layout issues. Unfortunately, there are no built-in options in CSS to listen for changes in position() or offset() attributes.

Reason: Changes in a sibling element's dimensions within dialogs or forms can alter the relative position. This information can be valuable for interactive forms, allowing for adjustments based on factors like the maximum available height or width of the parent container.

Answer №1

This unique custom code extension utilizes a timer poll to track the position of an object. It is believed that using a timer is necessary in this scenario as the position can be altered without jQuery being triggered, such as when sibling elements are re-laid out. This solution monitors the elements' .position() and .offset() properties. Additionally, it can be enhanced to monitor other properties not covered by standard jQuery events.

Custom jQuery Extension:

jQuery.fn.onPositionChanged = function (callback, interval) {
    if (interval == null) interval = 100;
    var element = $(this[0]); 
    if (element.length < 1) return element;

    var lastPosition = null;
    var lastOffset = null;
    setInterval(function () {
        if (element == null || element.length < 1) return element; 
        if (lastPosition == null) lastPosition = element.position();
        if (lastOffset == null) lastOffset = element.offset();
        var newPosition = element.position();
        var newOffset = element.offset();
        if ( != || lastPosition.left != newPosition.left) {
            $(this).trigger('onPositionChanged', { lastPos: lastPosition, newPos: newPosition });
            if (typeof (callback) == "function") callback(lastPosition, newPosition);
            lastPosition = element.position();
        if ( != || lastOffset.left != newOffset.left) {
            $(this).trigger('onOffsetChanged', { lastOff: lastOffset, newOff: newOffset});
            if (typeof (callback) == "function") callback(lastOffset, newOffset);
            lastOffset= element.offset();
    }, interval);

    return element;



Answer №2

My approach to solving this issue was inspired by willsteel's solution. I focused on monitoring the changes to the width and offsetWidth properties of the element. This allows the function to be triggered even if the element becomes invisible or visible for any reason.

Check out the updated code below:

jQuery.fn.onPositionChanged = function (trigger, millis) {
    if (millis == null) millis = 100;
    var o = $(this[0]); // our jquery object
    if (o.length < 1) return o;
    var lastPos = null;
    var lastOff = null;
    var lastWidth = null;
    var lastOffWidth = null;
    setInterval(function () {
        if (o == null || o.length < 1) return o; // abort if element is non existend eny more
        if (lastPos == null) lastPos = o.position();
        if (lastOff == null) lastOff = o.offset();
        if (lastWidth == null) lastWidth = o.width();
        if (lastOffWidth == null) lastOffWidth = o[0].offsetWidth;
        var newPos = o.position();
        var newOff = o.offset();
        var newWidth = o.width();
        var newOffWidth = o[0].offsetWidth;
        if ( != || lastPos.left != newPos.left) {
            $(this).trigger('onPositionChanged', { lastPos: lastPos, newPos: newPos });
            if (typeof (trigger) == "function") trigger(lastPos, newPos);
            lastPos = o.position();
        if ( != || lastOff.left != newOff.left) {
            $(this).trigger('onPositionChanged', { lastOff: lastOff, newOff: newOff});
            if (typeof (trigger) == "function") trigger(lastOff, newOff);
            lastOff= o.offset();
        if (lastWidth != newWidth) {
            $(this).trigger('onPositionChanged', { lastWidth: lastWidth, newWidth: newWidth});
            if (typeof (trigger) == "function") trigger(lastWidth, newWidth);
            lastWidth= o.width();
        if (lastOffWidth != newOffWidth) {
            $(this).trigger('onPositionChanged', { lastOffWidth: lastOffWidth, newOffWidth: newOffWidth});
            if (typeof (trigger) == "function") trigger(lastOffWidth, newOffWidth);
            lastWidth= o.width();
    }, millis);
    return o;

Answer №3

Here is a variation of the code that can be used on multiple objects and with any selector, although it does not specifically rely on jQuery.

var onPositionChanged = function (selector,trigger, millis) {
if (millis == null) millis = 200;
    var o_s = jQuery(selector); // our jquery object
    if (o_s.length < 1) return o_s;

    for(var i = 0; i<o_s.length; i++)
        var o = o_s.eq(i);

        var lastPos = jQuery(o).attr("lastPos");
        var lastOff = jQuery(o).attr("lastOff");
        lastPos = ((lastPos == "" || lastPos == undefined) ? null : JSON.parse(lastPos));
        lastOff = ((lastOff == "" || lastOff == undefined) ? null : JSON.parse(lastOff));
        setTimeout(function (o) {
            if (o == null || o.length < 1) return o; // abort if element is non existend eny more
            if (lastPos == null) lastPos = o.position();
            if (lastOff == null) lastOff = o.offset();
            var newPos = o.position();
            var newOff = o.offset();
            if ( != || lastPos.left != newPos.left) {
                jQuery(this).trigger('onPositionChanged', { lastPos: lastPos, newPos: newPos });
                if (typeof (trigger) == "function") trigger(o,lastPos, newPos);
                lastPos = o.position();
            if ( != || lastOff.left != newOff.left) {
                jQuery(this).trigger('onOffsetChanged', { lastOff: lastOff, newOff: newOff});
                if (typeof (trigger) == "function") trigger(o,lastOff, newOff);
                lastOff= o.offset();
        }, millis,o);


Example of how to use this:


    var left_percentage = parseInt(jQuery(object).position().left / jQuery(object).parent().width() * 100);
    var parent_width = jQuery(object).parent().width();

    var percentage_of_parent = parseInt(jQuery(object).width() / parent_width * 100);

    if(left_percentage > 74 && percentage_of_parent >= 25
    || left_percentage > 66 && percentage_of_parent >= 33
    || left_percentage > 49 && percentage_of_parent >= 50)
    if(left_percentage < 1)


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