Enlargen div or unordered list according to content exceeding limits

What is the best way to ensure a div expands when it contains a lot of content?

Code Example (HTML):

<div class="content">
    Content goes here <br />
    Content goes here <br />
    Content goes here <br />
    Content goes here <br />
    Content goes here <br />
    Content goes here <br />
    Content goes here <br />
</div><br />
<div class="click-to-expand">Click here to see more</div>


    border:1px solid red;

    border:1px solid green;

Check out this example: http://jsfiddle.net/nvCvy/1/

JQuery or CSS?

Would implementing a JQuery scroll function be more effective, or should everything be displayed using only CSS?

Answer №1

To make the necessary adjustments, you should implement the following two changes.

  1. Eliminate the mention of the height by removing the height property.

  2. Delete the Overflow:hidden; style declaration.

An interactive demonstration of the updated code can be found here. Feel free to customize it with additional content as needed.

Answer №3

To create a height expansion triggered by a button click, you can use the following code:

$('.click-here').click(function() { 
    $('.content').css('height', 'auto');


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