Radio buttons are not having the :invalid pseudo class properly applied

Looking to style a radio group with a required attribute. Attempting to adjust the appearance of the radio group depending on whether an input is selected or not. However, it appears that the :invalid pseudo-class does not apply to radio buttons.

Answer №1

:invalid actually does have an impact on radio buttons. It appears that your custom styles are not being applied correctly, which is why you're experiencing issues. Take a look at this fiddle where I've demonstrated the issue with spacing on two specific radio buttons:


You might want to consider exploring alternative styling options for radio buttons like the ones outlined in this resource:

Answer №2

:invalid doesn't seem to apply unless I include the required="required" attribute on at least one of the

<input name="group" type="radio">

For instance:

input:invalid {
  outline: 3px red solid;
<input name="group" type="radio" value="1" required="required">
<input name="group" type="radio" value="2">
<input name="group" type="radio" value="3">

Answer №3

Your inquiry seems a bit vague,

Perhaps using ':checked' would provide some clarity?

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