Programmatically setting focus in Ionic

In my Ionic and Angular component, I am attempting to programmatically set focus after the page has loaded. Here is the code:


         <ion-col col-5>
            <ion-item >
              <ion-label>Departure Port</ion-label>
              <ion-select #selected class="selector" formControlName="control"
                    *ngFor="let item of [{code:item.code, desc:item.desc}]"
                    {{item.desc}} ({{item.code}})


export class Item Component implements OnInit, AfterViewInit, AfterViewChecked {

  private selectorElRef: Select;

 public ngAfterViewInit(): void {

I have also tried this:

  private selectorElRef: Select;

 public ngAfterViewInit(): void {

And this:

  private selectorElRef: Select;

 public ngAfterViewInit(): void {


*:focus {
  border: solid $primary-color 2px;
  box-shadow: 5px 10px 8px $primary-color;

Despite trying different methods in AfterViewInit and AfterViewChecked to set focus on the item, it does not work as expected. Tabbing works fine and styling is applied, but setting focus programmatically is unsuccessful.

Answer №1

Perhaps not the answer you were hoping for, but I will do my best to assist with the following:

  1. There is inconsistent browser support for this behavior: Safari and Chrome have differing approaches on how focus should be handled. In simple terms, modern Safari requires explicit user interaction to call focus on elements, while Chrome allows more freedom in doing so.

  2. The .focus method can only be used with specific standard web elements such as input and button.

The HTMLElement.focus() method sets focus on the specified element, if it can be focused.


In your case, you are attempting to apply this to an Ionic component called ion-select, which unfortunately does not contain focusable elements.

Check out this stackblitz and observe the console to see that ion-select lacks a native button element (instead using "span" & div etc).

In essence, you are trying to apply focus to elements that cannot receive focus programmatically.

If you describe the desired user experience, there may be alternative solutions available.

For instance, you could utilize the .open() method supported by ion-select to open the selector onload:

You would essentially use the regular API documentation here:

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