Troubleshooting the issues with implementing cross-browser jscrollpane functionality

Hey there! I've been exploring this tool to customize the default scroll-bar, and here's a fiddle showcasing my experimentation. In the fiddle, I've included the following code snippet

<div class="scroll-pane horizontal-only">
(located at line number 122 in the HTML section) to modify the default scrollbar, but unfortunately, the entire div disappears when I implement it. You can see how things looked before utilizing jscrollpane here.

Here is the jQuery script I am using:


This particular part refers to line number 213 in the JavaScript section. Additionally, this is the CSS being applied:

/* Styles specific to this particular page */
                width: 100%;
                height: 200px;
                overflow: auto;
                height: auto;
                max-height: 200px;

Line number 118 pertains to the CSS section.

Answer №1

According to @Era's explanation, the issue with jScrollpane is that it has a height of 0 and does not adjust to the parent's height when the tab is hidden initially.

To fix this, I modified the code so that it only runs after the tab becomes visible.

<a id="userlink" href="#tab2" data-toggle="tab">Users</a>

$('body').on('shown', '#userlink', function () {
    if(!$('.scroll-pane').hasClass('jspScrollable')) {

Check out the fiddle for more details.

Answer №2

The issue with jScrollpane in your fiddle is that it has a height:0. This happens because jScrollpane will inherit the height of its parent or the containing element. To fix this, you must set a specific height for the parent element so that jScrollPane can display properly.

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