Problems with select tag change events

I encountered an issue with select tag onChange events. When I select a value from the select tag, it should display in a textbox that is declared in the script. It works perfectly when I remove the class "input" from the select tag, but I prefer not to remove the class. Can someone assist me with this?


<select class="input" name="month" class="style4">
   <option> Product  </option>
   <option> Product1 </option>
   <option> Product2 </option>
   <option> Product3 </option>
   <option> Product4 </option>

<input type="text" name="No_Inst" id="No_Inst"  >


.input {
    box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075);
    border: 1px solid #999;
    border-radius: 5px;
    padding: 10px 12px;
    background: #fff;
    font-size: 14px;
    color: #000;
    box-sizing: border-box !important;
    -moz-box-sizing: border-box !important;
    outline: none;
    margin-bottom: 25px


  var a = $(this).val();

   if(a == 'Product'){

    if(a == 'Product1'){

     if(a == 'Product2'){

Answer №1

A common mistake is using 2 class attributes in your code, but a solution is to structure it like this:

<select name="month" class="input style4">

Another issue is the lack of values in your <option> tags. You can rectify this by implementing something similar to the following:

<option value="My value">Hello</option>

Answer №2

To see changes in styles, update the class from '.input' to 'select' on your select element and make sure to remove the '.input' class

Answer №3

It is not allowed to define an attribute multiple times within a single element. When this situation occurs, the first attribute specified will take precedence over any subsequent attributes with the same name. This rule can be found in detail in the HTML5 specification, specifically section Attribute name state

If an attribute with the exact same name already exists on the token, it is considered a parsing error and the new attribute should be removed from the token.

Therefore, make sure to only set a single class attribute.

<select class="input style4" name="month">

Instead of using:

<select class="input" name="month" class="style4">

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