Problems with IE8 - Rendering correctly on all other browsers

I'm having some trouble with my website's display in IE8. It looks great in IE9, Firefox, and Chrome, but in IE8 it appears all jacked up. I'm using WordPress with Thesis Themes and editing custom.css for my changes.

You can view my site here:

Any suggestions on how to make it compatible with IE8 along with the other browsers?

Answer №1

Is it true that since IE7, the css rule filter:alpha(opacity=x); is supported to avoid using semi-transparent pngs?

For your website, you can use:

.custom #page {
    background-color: #000;
    background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
    border-radius: 10px 10px 10px 10px;
    padding-top: 5px;

My understanding is that IE will disregard the rgba value and utilize the other rules for a similar outcome.

The drawback of using opacity on an element (even in newer browsers) is that it affects the entire element, not just the background color, making all text and borders somewhat transparent. However, it's worth trying out the above method to see if it's satisfactory.

Keep in mind: one of the reasons why people hesitate to upgrade to higher versions of IE (or switch to FF or Chrome) is because we put so much effort into ensuring the design looks good in these outdated browsers. If enough websites appear poorly in these browsers, users will realize that the problem lies with their outdated browser. So, don't expend too much time and energy supporting the slow transition from the old days of IE catering.

Answer №2

To create RGBA and HSLA backgrounds in IE, a gradient filter can be used with the start and end color being the same (with the alpha channel as the first pair in the HEX value):

filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(GradientType=0,startColorstr='#4cffffff', endColorstr='#4cffffff');

Alternatively, a 1x2 .png image can be used instead of a 1x1 image.

This workaround is necessary because Internet Explorer 8 does not handle the repeating of a 1x1 pixel semi-transparent background image correctly when another element on the page is using the "-ms-filter" directive for alpha transparency.

Check out this link

Answer №3

Unfortunately, IE8 does not have support for rgba colors. One workaround is to create a small png image with the desired opacity and use it as a background for the div in order to achieve the same effect. Another option would be to utilize an IE8-specific style sheet where you can set a different background color that is compatible with the browser's limitations.

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