Attempting to implement image switching with hover effects and clickable regions

Hey there, I'm currently working on a fun little project and could use some guidance on how to achieve a specific effect. The website in question is [redacted], and you can view the code I've used so far at [redacted]. You'll find a code block at the end of this post.

The concept is quite simple, here's what I'd like to accomplish:

  1. When hovering over my body, several icons across the entire body should fade in simultaneously.

  2. If a particular icon is hovered over, it should appear brighter or more opaque.

  3. Clicking on one of these areas should make other divs fade in (I plan to use jquery for this).

Currently, Step 1 is working fine. I have two images stacked on each other - one plain image and one with all the features that visitors can interact with by hovering. The invisible image becomes visible on hover.

I want to create additional images of myself, each highlighting a different feature upon interaction. For instance, if the heart icon is hovered over, a new image replacing me with a brighter heart should appear.

My main challenge is figuring out the best way to achieve this effect. Happy to provide more details if needed! Thanks for any help you can offer!



    .fade {
     opacity: 0;
     transition: opacity .25s ease;
     -moz-transition: opacity .25s ease;
     -webkit-transition: opacity .25s ease; }
    .fade:hover {
     opacity: 1; 
    <div style="height:100%">

Answer №1

If you want to achieve step 2, use z-index properties and add a hover class to the element. For step 3, you will need some JavaScript functionality. Let me experiment with the fiddle for a bit.


I couldn't get the JavaScript to work immediately and I am short on time, so here is a starting point for you.

You cannot stack images on top of each other for your desired outcome. You must position each item as a separate element and absolute positioning on the body. Currently, colored squares represent each element, but you can style them with images or background-images of your choice.

I have applied a main class to each fading-in element so that you can initially hide them using CSS display:none and then fade them in using JavaScript on hover.

To accomplish step two, apply a :hover class to each element for styling.

Lastly, for step 3, hide another set of divs (e.g., <div id="phoneContent") and use JavaScript to toggle them on a click event like this:

$('#phone').click(function() {

If you encounter any issues, feel free to reach out, and I can come back to finish it later. Right now, I have to go. Hope this helps!

Answer №2

Behold the magic of Jquery with hover effects!

See it live in action

Simply run the code and click on the demo link to witness the enchantment. While CSS may seem like the go-to option, Jquery proves to be more reliable for seamless execution across various browsers.

Watch as images gracefully appear upon hover and disappear when hovering off.

Answer №3

Your approach needs some adjustment. It's recommended to have each icon as its own individual element, either as an image or a div with a background. This way, you will have more flexibility in applying various effects to them.

Answer №4

To arrange the images in an absolute position, simply create a separate element for each icon and position them absolutely on the page.

For example:


This method ensures that all icons fade in at the same time initially before highlighting individually upon hovering over them.

Of course, you will need to specify static image sizes, such as height: 500px; instead of using height: 100%;

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