Problem with input placeholder when using text transformation

I recently created an input form and applied the CSS property text-transform: uppercase;

#textbox {
    border-width:0px 0px 10px 0px;
    padding:0px 0px 2px 15px;
    text-transform: lowercase;

However, even though I set the placeholder as "Name," when viewed on the webpage it displays as "NAME," which looks out of place. Here is how the HTML input tag is structured:

<input hspace="32px" vspace="70px" id="textbox" type="text" placeholder="Name"></input>

Answer №1

To customize the placeholder styling in different browsers, you can utilize the following CSS code:

input { 
    text-transform: uppercase;
::-webkit-input-placeholder { /* WebKit browsers */
    text-transform: none;

If you need more information, someone has already provided an answer, so feel free to check it out.

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