Prevent clicking on the <div> element for a duration of 200 milliseconds

I need to make this box move up and down, but prevent users from clicking it rapidly multiple times to watch it go up and down too quickly. How can I add a 200 millisecond delay on the click or disable clicking for that duration?

View the jsfiddle example here:


div {

<div class="block" id='up' disabled='true'></div>



    if($('.block').attr('id') == 'up'){
        $('.block').animate({'top': '-=50px'}, 200);
        $('.block').attr('id', 'down');
    } else{
        $('.block').animate({'top': '+=50px'}, 200);
        $('.block').attr('id', 'up');

Answer №1

Give this jQuery animation tip a try:

You can use the .stop method in your animation to control its behavior. Here is an example using it within a click function:

$('.block').click(function() {

    var btn = $('.block');
    btn.prop('disabled', true);
    window.setTimeout(function() {
        btn.prop('disabled', false);
    }, 600);

    if ($('.block').attr('id') == 'up') {
            'top': '-=50px'
        }, 200);
        $('.block').attr('id', 'down');
    } else {
            'top': '+=50px'
        }, 200);
        $('.block').attr('id', 'up');

Answer №2

To prevent the click event while it's animating, you can utilize the following code:

    if ( $(this).is(":animated") ) return false;
    ... continue with your code ...

Personally, I opt for stopping the animation as recommended by Esailija.

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