Positioning React Material UI Grid items dynamically on either side of the screen based on conditions

I am currently working on a chatbot project using React and Material UI. I have encountered an issue with the Grid component in my application. My goal is to align the bot messages to the left side of the screen, while positioning the user messages on the right side. Unfortunately, my attempts to achieve this alignment have been unsuccessful.

I have experimented with the alignItems prop on the Grid component and have also tried using the CSS properties float='right' and float='left'. Despite these efforts, I have not been able to achieve the desired layout.

If you would like to take a look at a minimal reproducible example, I have provided a link to a code sandbox below. Any assistance or guidance on resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.


Current Output: https://i.sstatic.net/LBbwU.png

Intended Output: Ideally, all the blue bubbles should be positioned at the right end of the screen

Answer №1

From what I have observed, if the message has an ID of 0, then it is a user message. So, in your ChatBubble component, you can add the following in JSX:

In ChatBubble styles.js

userChatBubbleOrientation: {
    justifyContent: "flex-end"
    justifyContent: "flex-start"

In ChatBubble Component

const chatBubbleOrientationStyles =
    props.message.id === 0
        ? {
        : {

It's recommended to use flexbox instead of float for layout purposes. Material UI also utilizes flexbox, so adding justifyContent:flex-end to your bot(user) messages will align their content (image + text) to the right.

Answer №2

Forget about using the float property, just go ahead and specify marginLeft: 'auto' in ChatBubble/styles.js

By doing this, you'll maximize the left margin for the user chat bubble without needing to add marginRight to the recipient chat bubble. This way, you can simplify handling orientation for the recipient.

  userChatBubbleOrientation: {
    // float: "right",
  recipientChatBubbleOrientation: {
    // float: "left"
    // marginRight:'auto'

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