I have been attempting to arrange some text next to a side panel that I created using Divs.
My initial attempt was to float the text on the left, but unfortunately, this did not produce the desired result.
Here is what I currently have: Click here
And this is what I am aiming for: Click here
I would like to provide you with a preview of my page along with the corresponding style sheet:
Page: FitnessHub
<div class="SidePanel">
<div class="WelcomeText">
$db = new mysqli("", "root", "root", "fitnessbooking");
$query= $db->query("select Username from users where Username = '$_POST[username]' and Pass = '$_POST[password]'");
if ($query->num_rows ==1){
echo "";
else {
header("Location: http://localhost/pages/login.php?fail=1");
Style Sheet:
.SidePanel {
background-color: white;
width: 250px;
height: 100%;
.WelcomeText {
Float left;