Identifying the presence of a CSS class in order to add styling to a different element

Looking for help with CSS:

/* targeting laptops */
@media only screen and (pointer:fine) and (max-device-height: 620px) {
    #root:has(.projects) ~ body {
        overflow: auto; /* allow scrolling */

My desired outcome is to set overflow: auto on the page if we are on a laptop (pointer: fine) with a window height of 620px or less, and if there is a .projects element under #root (meaning we are on the projects page).

I am aware that the issue lies here:

#root:has(.projects) ~ body

What could be causing this not to work, and how can I achieve my intended result?

Answer №1

The ~ selector in CSS is specifically used to target sibling elements. However, in React, the relationship between body and #root makes the ~ selector ineffective. An alternative approach could be:

body:has(#root .projects) {
  overflow: auto;

This code snippet styles the body element if it contains an element with the class .projects, which is a child of an element with the id #root.



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