Pointer Cursor in CSS

I am experiencing a strange issue. When I set the cursor attribute value directly as a string like

return (
  <Grid item>
        padding: "1rem",
        ":hover": {
          cursor: "pointer"

it works as expected, however, if I create a constant with the value of "pointer" and pass it to the cursor attribute, it does not work.

const cursorPointer = "pointer";
return (
  <Grid item>
        padding: "1rem",
        ":hover": {
          cursor: { cursorPointer }

I am using Material UI, Next.js, and TypeScript. Thank you.

Answer №1

The problem arises from not passing the intended value.

In the second scenario, it appears as follows:

 ":hover": {
  cursor: { cursorPointer: "pointer" }

Instead of

 ":hover": {
  cursor: "pointer" 

You have the option to use a variable with this format:

 ":hover": {
  cursor: cursorPointer 

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