Is there a way to line up these two tables or divs using a shared parent header div?

In the process of developing this webpage, I encountered a layout that resembles the following:

Here is an approximation of the HTML structure:

<div class="title">
            <td width="35%">Table 1a Header</td>
            <td width="65%">Table 2a Header</td>

<div class="padding-all">
    <div class="body" style="width: 100%">
        <div><table> <!-- table 1b... --></div>
        <div><table> <!-- empty table for spacing --></div>
        <div><table> <!-- table 2b... --></div>

The desired outcome is either:

1) Positioning the text in <div class="title"> at the top to align it above the tables within <div class="body">


2) Expanding the "top" rows within the tables to cover the full width of the page and eliminate any black space, essentially mimicking the appearance of the current title div.

In both cases, alignment between the text for "1a" and "1b" as well as 2a/2b is required, along with a gray background spanning the width of the page.

Although I'm predominantly a developer rather than a designer, I've struggled to find a solution. Adjusting the percentages of the title div's table data cells has proven to be inconsistent across resolutions. What other approaches could I take?

Answer №1

If you're looking to achieve a specific outcome overall, consider embedding your tables as one potential solution.

Take a look at the example I created on this jsfiddle link, where I utilized the code below:

      <th width="2%"></th>
      <th width="33%">Header for Table 1</th>
      <th width="2%"></th>
      <th width="63%">Header for Table 2</th>
    <tr height="10px">
      <td colspan="4"></td>
      <td width="2%"></td>
      <th width="33%">Sub-header for Table 1</th>
      <td width="2%"></td>
      <th width="63%">Sub-header for Table 2</th>
      <td width="2%"></td>
      <td width="33%">
        <table><!-- Insert Content --></table>
      <td width="2%"></td>
      <td width="63%">
        <table><!-- Insert Content --></table>

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