Adjust the height of images to be consistent

I'm currently working on creating a grid layout with 4 images in a row using DaisyUI card component. However, I've run into an issue where there is white space at the bottom of some images due to varying image heights. Is there a solution that would allow me to make all images the same height without affecting their quality?

Below is the code snippet:

import React from "react";

const Book = ({ book }) => {
  return (
    <div className="card card-compact w-56 bg-base-100 shadow-xl">
        <img src={book.img} alt="Books" />

export default Book;

I have not applied any custom CSS and am relying solely on Tailwind for styling.

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated!

If needed, here is an example showcasing the issue: The yellow book displays the problem.

Answer №1

If you're able to utilize custom CSS, consider implementing the following code snippet:

.box > div, .box > img {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;

.box > img {
    object-fit: cover;

With this code, the div and img elements will expand to occupy 100% of the height and width within their containers, while ensuring that the img element maintains its aspect ratio when scaling.

Answer №2

The easiest method - By using this technique, you can maintain the original image size and fill up the remaining space with white space. This ensures that all images will occupy the same designated area without distorting their dimensions.


/*Through object-fit:scale-down;, each image will be displayed in a 80px by 80px box without altering its original proportions*/


Answer №3

  • Ensuring images have the same aspect ratio will allow for consistency in your display.
  • To create a full size image without distortion, consider adding h-full w-full. However, using images of the same aspect ratio is preferable to prevent stretching.

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