Placing a div within a 960 grid system can sometimes result in unexpected spacing

Testing on various browsers: Chrome, IE, Firefox. I'm facing an issue where the BusinessNav ID keeps getting pushed over 3 columns.

Desired page layout can be found here

I could definitely hack this code to adjust the positioning. However, with so much more content to add, excessive hacking will only make it look uglier.

Check out the site here: (I've identified potential problem areas)

CSS styles: search /*User Styles */ (limited styles applied)

Here's the scenario:

  <div id="businessNav" class="grid_3 ">
   <h2>Common Sense</h2>
   <h2>Forward Thinker</h2>

this piece of code is being affected by:

  <div id="heresWhy" class="grid_3">
   <h1>And Here's Why</h1>


<div id="headerBusiness" class="grid_6">

Can anyone spot the discrepancy in my code? Appreciate everyone's help

Answer №1

Due to the difference in height between "Hereswhy" (362px) and "headerBusiness" (360px), the "BusinessNav" is unable to float to the left.

Aligning the heights of "Hereswhy" and "headerBusiness" at 362px will achieve the desired outcome.

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