The attempt to remove the ajax-loaded page while preserving the original div is proving to be

I have a function that is triggered when a link is clicked. This function uses ajax to load a new page over a div.

    function displayContent(id)
    loadPage_signup = "register.php";
    loadPage_info = "userinfo.php";
      dataType: 'html',
      success:function() {

Once the new page is loaded using ajax, there is a cancel button present on that page. Clicking this cancel button should remove the ajax-loaded content and show the original content in the div.

I tried writing a function for this functionality but it's not working as expected. The ajax-loaded content gets removed, but the original contents of the div do not appear. Can someone please help me figure out what's causing the issue?

function hideDiv(id) {
    $ret = $("#signup_header").show();

<input type="button" id="cancel_button" name="btnCancel" value="Cancel" onClick="hideDiv('#signup_header')" />

Answer №1

To preserve the original content for later restoration, it is important to store them in global variables.

Utilizing jQuery:

var original_content_benef = '';
var original_content_rc = '';

function saveOriginalContent(id)
    loadPage_signup = "new_user.php";
    loadPage_benef = "readercycle_benef.php";
        dataType: 'html',
        success:function() {
            // saving original content
            original_content_benef = $("#readercycle_benef_container").html();
            original_content_rc = $("#rc_main_header_login").html();
            // replacing content

function closeAndRestoreContent(id) {
    // restoring original content
    // performing necessary actions
    $ret = $("#rc_main_header_login").show();

Embedding this functionality in HTML:

<input type="button" id="button_cancel" name="btnCancel" value="cancel" onClick="closeAndRestoreContent('#rc_main_header_newuser')" />

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