Place the footer element at the bottom of the div container

I am struggling with positioning a fixed footer in a div. Despite applying bottom: 0px; position: fixed;, the footer ends up at the bottom of the page and doesn't stay fixed within the div. This issue is really frustrating me, as I usually have a good grasp on these concepts. Take a look at my code on this JSFiddle link and let me know what you think might be causing the problem.

Answer №1

When using position fixed, keep in mind that it is relative to the entire document. To ensure proper layout, make the parent element relative and the footer element absolute:

Check out the DEMO here

.post-contain { position: relative; }
.author-box {   position: absolute; }

Additionally, there is a query about why the paragraph in the footer is set as relative. Please refer to the updated demo for clarification.

Answer №2

When using position: fixed, the element is fixed in relation to the page itself.

To achieve the desired effect, you should set: .post-contain { position: relative } .author-box { position: absolute }

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