Place each label and input element on a separate line without using div tags

Can we separate form elements onto individual lines without enclosing them within divs?

For example:

<label for="one">One:</label>  <input type="text" id="one">
<label for="two">Two:</label>  <select id="two">
                                  <option value="a">a</option>
                                  <option value="b">b</option>

Desired display format:

One:   [.......]
Two:   [a    \/]
and so on...

If applying CSS:

input, select, label {

The labels and form fields are not aligned on the same line. Is there an alternative solution beyond using divs like this:

<div><label for="one">One:</label>  <input type="text" id="one"></div>

Answer №1

Here's an alternative method to achieve the same result:

<label><span>Two:</span><input type="text" id="two"></label>

Additionally, you can apply the following CSS for styling:

label {
padding-left:120px; /* adjust as needed */
label > span {

Answer №2

What is the purpose of using display:block; if you intend for your elements to function as if they were inline? According to information found on, "block: displays an element as a block element like <p>".

It is common knowledge that when using <p>, the following element automatically starts on a new line. Therefore, if you desire your <label> and <input> elements to appear next to each other, it is necessary to utilize display:inline or inline-block.

Answer №3

Simply complete the following:

<label for="one">One:</label>  <input type="text" id="one"> <br>

That's all there is to it.

Edit: To add on to Hardy's suggestion, enclosing them in a div or span provides more versatility in the future. However, if your main goal is to keep everything in one line, you can follow the format outlined above.

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