Place a button in relation to the top of its parent element

I am trying to display control buttons at the top of a table cell when hovering over an image within the cell. Here is the HTML structure I have:

<table id="pridat_fotky">
            <td class="empty">

To achieve this, I attempted using position:relative for the table cell and position:absolute for the button like so:

table#pridat_fotky td {
  position: relative;
table td button {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0px;   
  left: 50%;  

However, the button ended up aligning itself to the top of the window instead of the cell. You can see a proof of this in the following fiddle, where the button appears as a red square.

I found a working solution here.

Answer №1

To properly display a button within table cells, you must wrap the content with a block level element like this:

<td class="empty">

Then, add the following CSS rule:

table#pridat_fotky td div {
    position: relative;
    height: 100%;

Using position: relative directly on table cells is invalid, but it can be applied to block level elements inside these cells.

Make sure to set height: 100% for the div to fill the table cell properly and ensure correct placement of the button.

For a demonstration, visit:

Note: Remember to include the wrapper div in all table cells where you wish to insert the button.

Answer №2

Your CSS contains a syntax issue. Line 17 is missing a colon, for example: (left 50%;)

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