Photo on vertical display

I have been working on displaying dynamic photos from a backend file and looping through them. I have successfully displayed the images vertically using CSS.

vertical-align: middle;

However, when I tried to add a photo name for each image, the positioning got messed up.

with <span class="span_pics"></span>

without <span class="span_pics"></span>


<img src="http://localhost:8082/uploads/documents/default-project.jpg" id="img-responsive">
<span class="span_pics"></span>


    height: 225px;
    width: 225px;
    vertical-align: middle;

    margin: 2px;

My question is, how can I add centered text below the image without affecting its current position?

Answer №1

To achieve the desired layout, you should enclose all elements within a div and then adjust the positioning of the image and title accordingly. Here is a sample I have prepared for you to reference:

I have introduced a

<div class='picture'></div>
where I have integrated your existing code as shown in the example.

I believe this solution aligns with what you are seeking unless there is a misinterpretation of your inquiry.

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