Personalizing the fileTemplate selection in FineUploader

My English is not the best, so apologies in advance. I'm struggling to customize the FineUploader FileTemplate option. I don't want to use fineUploaderBasic; I want total customization. Initially, I managed to hide the file name and size after a successful upload. However, customizing the delete button has proven to be an issue. After the upload, the delete button appears but remains disabled, making it impossible to click. Below is my code:

var restricteduploader = new qq.FineUploader({
                        element: $('#restricted-fine-uploader')[0],
                        text: {
                            uploadButton: '<div><i class="icon-upload icon-white"></i>Subir Imagen</div>',
                            deleteButton: '<input type="button" id="btnDelete" value="Eliminar imagen" />'

                        '<div class="qq-uploader">' +
                            '<div class="qq-upload-drop-area"><span>{dragZoneText}</span></div>' +
                            '<div class="qq-upload-button">{uploadButtonText}</div>' +
                            '<span class="qq-drop-processing"><span>{dropProcessingText}</span><span class="qq-drop-processing-spinner"></span></span>' +
                            '<ul class="qq-upload-list"></ul>' +
                            '<li>' +
                                '<div class="qq-progress-bar"></div>' +
                                '<span class="qq-upload-spinner"></span>' +
                                '<span class="qq-upload-finished"></span>' +
                                '<span class="qq-edit-filename-icon"></span>' +
                                '<span class="hide-file"></span>' +
                                '<div>IMAGEN SUBIDA CON EXITO!!</div>' +
                                '<input class="qq-edit-filename" tabindex="0" type="text">' +
                                '<span class="hide-size"></span>' +
                                '<a class="qq-upload-cancel" href="#">{cancelButtonText}</a>' +
                                '<a class="qq-upload-retry" href="#">{retryButtonText}</a>' +
                                '<div class="qq-upload-delete">{deleteButtonText}</div>' +
                                '<span class="qq-upload-status-text">{statusText}</span>' +
                        classes: {
                            file: 'hide-file',
                            size: 'hide-size'
                        request: {
                            endpoint: '<%= Url.Action("UploadBatchDataFile", "Account") %>'
                        deleteFile: {
                            enabled: true,
                            endpoint: '<%= Url.Action("DeleteFile", "Account") %>',
                            method: 'POST'
                        multiple: false,
                    validation: {
                        allowedExtensions: ['jpeg', 'jpg', 'png'],
                        sizeLimit: 411062 // 50 kB = 50 * 1024 bytes
                    showMessage: function (message) {
                        $('#restricted-fine-uploader').append('<div class="alert-error">' + message + '</div>');
                    messages: { typeError : "{file} no es un tipo de imagen valido. Imagenes valida(s): {extensions}." },
                    callbacks: {
                        onSubmitDelete: function(event, id) {
                            var filename = $(this).fineUploader('getName', id);
                            $(this).fineUploader('setDeleteFileParams', {filename: filename}, id);
                        onComplete: function (id, filename, responseJSON) {
                            if (responseJSON.success) {
                                $('div div.alert-error').remove();

                                $('#imgUploaded').attr("src", "<%: Url.Content("~/Images/") %>" + responseJSON.filename);
                                $('#hidImage').attr("value", "<%: Url.Content("~/Images/") %>" + responseJSON.filename);


I find customizing the fileTemplate challenging. Previously, I attempted to integrate the FileTemplate into a table by modifying the template as follows:

'<ul class="qq-upload-list"></ul>' to '<table class="qq-upload-list"></table>'

and adjusting the fileTemplate like this:

'<li>' to '<tr><td>' and '</li>' to </td></tr>

Unfortunately, these changes didn't result in the desired outcome. Following a successful upload, FineUploader failed to display the FileTemplate.

Answer №1

Initially, in the onComplete handler, there is a syntax error that needs to be corrected. Update

$('#imgUploaded').attr("src", "<%: Url.Content("~/Images/") %>" + responseJSON.filename);
$('#hidImage').attr("value", "<%: Url.Content("~/Images/") %>" + responseJSON.filename); 


$('#imgUploaded').attr("src", "<%: Url.Content('~/Images/') %>" + responseJSON.filename);
$('#hidImage').attr("value", "<%: Url.Content('~/Images/') %>" + responseJSON.filename);

Next, within the text option properties, ensure you are providing text instead of HTML for button labels. Adjust

text: {
    uploadButton: '<div><i class="icon-upload icon-white"></i>Subir Imagen</div>',
    deleteButton: '<input type="button" id="btnDelete" value="Eliminar imagen" />'


text: {
    uploadButton: 'Subir Imagen',
    deleteButton: 'Eliminar imagen'

If customization like adding an upload icon is desired, modify the template option properties:

    '<div class="qq-uploader">' +
        '<div class="qq-upload-drop-area"><span>{dragZoneText}</span></div>' +
        '<div class="qq-upload-button"><i class="icon-upload icon-white"></i>{uploadButtonText}</div>' +
        '<span class="qq-drop-processing"><span>{dropProcessingText}</span><span class="qq-drop-processing-spinner"></span></span>' +
        '<ul class="qq-upload-list"></ul>' +

Lastly, ensure consistency by using jQuery throughout your FineUploader instance. Consider leveraging the FineUploader jQuery plugin for improved functionality and ease of use:

    // .. define your options here, same as above ...
}).on('submitDelete', function (event, id) {
    var filename = $(this).fineUploader('getName', id);
    $(this).fineUploader('setDeleteFileParams', {filename: filename}, id);

}).on('complete', function (event, id, filename, responseJSON) {
    if (responseJSON.success) {
        $('div div.alert-error').remove();

        $('#imgUploaded').attr("src", "<%: Url.Content('~/Images/') %>" + responseJSON.filename);
        $('#hidImage').attr("value", "<%: Url.Content('~/Images/') %>" + responseJSON.filename);


Refer to this documentation for utilizing the jQuery plugin


Below is additional code illustrating proper usage of the jQuery plugin with events and incorporating an input element for the delete button.

Note: Requires FineUploader version 3.7.1 or higher


$(function () {
        text: {
            uploadButton: "<i class='icon-upload icon-white'></i>Subir Imagen"
            '<li>' +
            '<div class="qq-progress-bar"></div>' +
            '<span class="qq-upload-spinner"></span>' +
            '<span class="qq-upload-finished"></span>' +
            '<span class="hide-file"></span>' +
            '<div>IMAGEN SUBIDA CON EXITO!!</div>' +
            '<span class="hide-size"></span>' +
            '<a class="qq-upload-cancel" href="#">{cancelButtonText}</a>' +
            '<a class="qq-upload-retry" href="#">{retryButtonText}</a>' +
            '<input class="qq-upload-delete" type="button" value="{deleteButtonText}" />' +
            '<span class="qq-upload-status-text">{statusText}</span>' +

        classes: {
            file: 'hide-file',
            size: 'hide-size'
        request: {
            endpoint: '<%= Url.Action("UploadBatchDataFile", "Account") %>'
        deleteFile: {
            enabled: true,
            endpoint: '<%= Url.Action("DeleteFile", "Account") %>',
            method: 'POST'
        multiple: false,
        validation: {
            allowedExtensions: ['jpeg', 'jpg', 'png'],
            sizeLimit: 411062 // 50 kB = 50 * 1024 bytes
        showMessage: function (message) {
            $('#restricted-fine-uploader').append('<div class="alert-error">' + message + '</div>');
        messages: {
            typeError: "{file} no es un tipo de imagen valido. Imagenes valida(s): {extensions}."
    }).on('submitDelete', function (event, id) {
        var filename = $(this).fineUploader('getName', id);
        $(this).fineUploader('setDeleteFileParams', {
            filename: filename
        }, id);
    }).on('complete', function (id, filename, responseJSON) {
        if (responseJSON.success) {
            $('div div.alert-error').remove();

            $('#imgUploaded').attr('src', '<%: Url.Content("~/Images/") %>' + responseJSON.filename);
            $('#hidImage').attr('value', '<%: Url.Content("~/Images/") %>' + responseJSON.filename);



<ul id="restricted-fine-uploader"></ul>

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