Is it possible to use multiple stylesheets with PhoneGap?

Currently, I am storing a stylesheet (CSS file) from the web server into device storage using the file system access method provided in the phonegap guide for File. I need to apply this stylesheet to my app from the device storage, and will be updating the stored stylesheet regularly. In this scenario,

I have a few questions:

  1. Since my app is in .apk format, how will it call the stylesheet from device storage?

  2. If I define a standard path in my HTML like

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/stylesheet.css" />
    , will the storage path of the stylesheet css/stylesheet.css be different on various mobile devices (e.g., iPhone and Android devices)?

Answer №1

Regarding your initial question

Storing locally allows you to create a dedicated folder named "css" and you have the ability to utilize multiple CSS files, giving you full control over making modifications as needed.

As for your second inquiry

No, it will remain unchanged. The hierarchy within the asset folder will stay consistent.

I am referring to this specific structure.

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