Personalize the Hover color on your flexdashboard with a touch of custom CSS

I am currently working on building a dashboard with Flexdashboard and I want to customize the hover and active colors of the Flexdashboard pages named Capture and Results with specific colors that are unique to the client. I prefer not to use the default Flexdashboard themes for this customization. I have already managed to modify the background color of the navbar.

The image below shows the current appearance of the navbar after I made the color changes and the layout of the Flexdashboard pages where I would like to alter the hover color of the links:

Here is the R-Markdown code used to create the Flexdashboard pages:

Capture {data-icon="ion-document-text";}

Results {data-icon="ion-stats-bars";}

Also, below is the CSS code located in a separate file that I utilized to modify the background color of the navbar:

.navbar {
  background-color: #eb3868 !important;

My question is, how can I change the default blue hover and active colors to a different color of my choice?

Answer №1

Within this code snippet are three separate CSS calls defined, each with inline comments explaining their purpose.

  • Styling for the navbar background
  • Styling for the navbar active tab when selected, hovered over, or focused
  • Styling for the navbar inactive tab when hovered over or focused

It's worth mentioning that as you incorporate additional elements into your dashboard, you may encounter the original blue color scheme elsewhere. The CSS file contains more declarations that maintain the initial color palette.

.navbar-inverse {                
    background-color: #A8F79E;
    border-color: #A8F79E;
.navbar-inverse .navbar-nav>.active > a, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav>.active > a:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav>.active > a:focus {
  color: #ffffff;
  background-color: #570861;     
.navbar-inverse .navbar-nav>li > a:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > li > a:focus {
  color: #ffffff;
  background-color: #570861;     

Shown in this image is a hover effect on the "Page 2" tab (though the mouse cursor is not visible).

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