Orders in WooCommerce are being mysteriously created with no information provided and stuck in a pending payment state

Are you experiencing the issue of blank orders being generated in WooCommerce with no details and a pending payment status? I am utilizing the WooCommerce plugin along with the Elavon payment gateway, and although everything seems to be set up correctly, the orders keep automatically generating. It's happening so frequently that new blank orders are being created every second. Can someone please offer guidance on how to resolve this problem?

Check out this screenshot for reference.

Here is another link to the screenshot for further clarification.

Answer №1

Upon reviewing the code located in src/abstract-wc-gateway-elavon-converge.php, I discovered that the function get_order_for_add_payment_method() generates a new order if the user is logged in. To resolve this issue, I simply commented out lines 434-437 and the software appeared to function properly without that particular function. Keep in mind that this modification may impact payment method storage functionality, but I have deactivated that feature in the settings.

// get_order_for_add_payment_method() assumes there is a logged in user
// if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
//  return $this->get_order_for_add_payment_method();
// }

---> This section is responsible for creating empty orders (class-sv-wc-payment-gateway-direct.ph)

protected function get_order_for_add_payment_method() {

    // A fake order is created as all gateway API implementations require an order object for tokenization

    $order = new \WC_Order( 0 ); //Creates NEW order!

    $order = $this->get_order( $order );

    $user = get_userdata( get_current_user_id() );

    $properties = [
        'currency'    => get_woocommerce_currency(), // default to base store currency
        'customer_id' => $user->ID,

I hope this explanation clarifies things for you.

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