One div on Chrome for Mac is experiencing an issue with applying the background image

I currently have a website hosted on GitHub pages at this link:

When viewing the site on Windows Chrome, the bottom div containing the filtering buttons blends seamlessly with the dark grey background set in the wrapper div. However, when viewed on Mac Chrome, the buttons appear to be part of a pure white div where the background image is not being applied. Any insights into why this discrepancy may be occurring?

Answer №1

Exploring Element Height and Viewer Height

The CSS property for height determines the vertical size of an element.

This value is equivalent to 1% of the height of the browser window's initial containing block.

When using min-height, you are setting the lowest possible height that an element can have. It ensures that the height does not become smaller than the specified min-height value.

We encountered a complex mix of different height values while working on this project.

The initial style looked like this:

#main-content {
background-image: ...
height: 120vh

With this setup, the element was instructed to be 120% of the browser window's height. Although this approach may have worked well in most cases, it could lead to overflow issues when the content inside the container exceeded its boundaries. This would cause parts of the content to extend past the wrapper and appear outside. Since the background color was applied to the wrapper, any overflow would cover the default background (white).

To address this, we made the following adjustment:

#main-content {
background-image: ...
height: 100%;
min-height: 100vh;

This modification served two purposes. Firstly, by setting the wrapper's height to 100%, it ensured that the wrapper encompassed all the contained elements without any overflow. However, what if the viewer's height surpassed that of the content? In such cases, white space could still be visible at the bottom. To account for this scenario, we included the min-height property which guarantees that the wrapper's height will be at least 100vh. Therefore, if the content is shorter than the viewer, the wrapper will expand to occupy the entire viewing area.

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