Node.js route error: no script MIME types allowed with 'X-Content-Type: nosniff' header present

I'm facing an issue where my css and js files do not load on the second route, but they work perfectly fine on the first route.

Could someone explain why this discrepancy occurs?

// **********************  INDEX PAGE  *******************************************
    app.get('/LimeLINE', (req, res) => {
        let sTopHtml = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/components/top.html', 'utf8')
        let sMainHtml = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/html/index.html', 'utf8')
        let sBottomHtml = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/components/bottom.html', 'utf8')

        // replace placeholders
        sTopHtml = sTopHtml.replace('{{title}}', 'LimeLINE: Get Started')

        res.send(sTopHtml + sMainHtml + sBottomHtml)

    app.get('/LimeLINE/activate/:token', (req, res) => {
        let sToken = req.params.token;
        if (token === sToken) {
            user.activateUser(res, sToken)
        let sTopHtml = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/components/top.html', 'utf8')
        let sMainHtml = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/html/index.html', 'utf8')
        let sBottomHtml = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/components/bottom.html', 'utf8')
        // replace placeholders
        sTopHtml = sTopHtml.replace('{{title}}', 'LimeLINE: Welcome')
        sMainHtml = sMainHtml.replace('{{click-trigger}}', 'click-trigger')

        res.send(sTopHtml + sMainHtml + sBottomHtml)

Answer №1

It is recommended to avoid using relative URLs in templates that will be served from various routes. When the same HTML is served from different routes like http://<hostname>/LimeLINE and

, the relative URL of ../css/main.css may point to different locations in each case. This is because the browser constructs the path based on the current URL in the address bar, without knowledge of the server's directory structure.

In the first case, it would result in http://hostname/../css/main.css, equivalent to http://hostname/css/main.css;

While in the second case, it would be

, equivalent to

To ensure proper functionality, consider changing to absolute URLs or URLs relative to the host (starting with /). Instead of href="../css/main.css", use href="/css/main.css".

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