Failing to verify the presence of specific text within a dropdown menu using Selenium

Previously, I successfully implemented this code, however, the HTML/CSS for the dropdown has since changed and now I am unable to get it to function correctly.

Below is the structure for the dropdown code, with specific text highlighted that I am trying to identify:

I have set up a web element for the button that triggers the dropdown, retrieved its text, and checked if it contains certain criteria:

val myDropDown = driver.findElement(By.xpath("""//*[@id="no-jcf"]/div[2]/div[3]/form/div[18]/div[2]/div[2]/ol/button"""))
val ans = myDropDown.getText().contains("Copy of Invoice")

Despite following these steps, the code is not functioning as expected and returning an incorrect result.

Answer №1

To verify a particular option, you can follow this method:

WebElement dropdownElement = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//button[contains(@class,'dropdown-toggle')]//li[@data-value='8']//span[1]"));
String dropdownText = dropdownElement.getText();
if(dropdownText.equalsIgnoreCase("Copy of Invoice"))

Answer №2

There are a couple of key mistakes that I have identified:

1) The xpath provided points to the button element, but the dropdown menu is actually not a child of the button. It is the next sibling of the button. Therefore, attempting to extract text from the button will not retrieve the options within the dropdown menu.

2) When using the getText() method, it retrieves the visible inner text of an element and its subelements. In order for this method to work correctly, ensure that the dropdown menu options are visible either by clicking on them or hovering over with a mouse.

Answer №3

To streamline the process, create a collection of web elements and identify the specific one you are looking for. Here's an example:

List<WebElement> elementCollection =

Now that you have gathered all the elements under the specified ID, loop through them using a for/foreach statement to determine if the desired element is present:

for(WebElement element : elementCollection )
   if(element.getText().contains("Desired Text"))
   //... add your desired actions here

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