Styling in Next.js with conditions

I am attempting to create a scenario where a link becomes active if the pathname matches its href value.

function Component() {
 const pathname = usePathname();
  return (
      <div className="links">
        <Link href="/">Home</Link>
        <Link href="/store" className={`${pathname === this.href && "active"}`} >Store</Link>
        <Link href="/actors">Actors</Link>

I have attempted the above code but unfortunately, it is not yielding the desired result. Is there an alternative method I could try?

Answer №1

Using this in functional components is not allowed, as it is only accessible in class components. If you want to achieve that same functionality, you will need to manually write the code like this:

<Link href="/store" className={`${pathname === "/store" ? "active" : ""}`} >Store</Link>

Additionally, avoid using && in className, as it may add false to your className if the condition fails. Instead, use a ternary operator with an empty string in the false condition.

Answer №2

In addition to the insights shared by Rao Asim, one way to prevent repetition is by organizing them into an array and then using the .map method to iterate over the array.

function Component() {
 const pathname = usePathname();
  return (
      <div className="links">
          { label: "Home", href: "/" },
          { label: "Store", href: "/store" },
          { label: "Actors", href: "/actors" },
        ].map(({label, href}) => (
            className={pathname === href ? "active" : ""}

To enhance readability, you can extract the array declaration from the JSX:

function Component() {
  const pathname = usePathname();

  const navElements = [
    { label: "Home", href: "/" },
    { label: "Store", href: "/store" },
    { label: "Actors", href: "/actors" },

  return (
      <div className="links">
        {{label, href}) => (
            className={pathname === href ? "active" : ""}

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