Navigating with React Router and a Navbar

Hey there, new to React and currently working on setting up routing on my home page. The links are currently located within my navbar component, but I am thinking that I need to configure the router in App.js instead. I have Contact, Social, and Hobbies components that I want to use for routing purposes. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated :)

//NavBar Component
  <div className='NavBar'>
      <div className='nav-left'>
        <img className='laptop-logo' alt='laptop-logo' src={brentLaptop} />
        <h2 id='nav-header'>BCLabs</h2>
      <div className='nav-right'>

//App component
<div className="App">
      <NavBar />

Answer №1

Start by installing react-router-dom from

Use: import { BrowserRouter as Router } from 'react-router-dom';

Wrap your app with the Router component

Follow these steps:

  1. Import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';

  2. Add a Route Component to your app like Route path="/contact" component={Contact}

  3. Include a Link with a to attribute such as Link to="/contact" inside your list item

You can refer to the documentation for react router dom at this link

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