Navigating the Foundation Topbar - Should I Toggle?

Is there a simpler way to achieve the navigation I desire, similar to the switcher for uikit? Instead of using data-toggler on each tag in my top bar, is there an easier method where I can click links in my top bar to display different content without going through that process individually? Thank you in advance as I am still learning about foundation.

Answer №1

To show the dropdown menus, simply place them inside wrappers that will toggle their visibility when you hover over the element. This way, the menu will appear below or wherever you designate it to be. Check out this code pen example.

Answer №2

Switcher's functionality brings to mind the tab feature in Foundation, which can be found at this link: Tabs | Foundation for Sites 6 Docs. What sets Tabs apart from dropdown menus is that it stays open even when you move your mouse away.

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